Find Your North Stare for the Next Phase of Your Life -- Adventure:Next

I want to talk to men who are facing what I may consider to be a dirty word: retirement. I want to talk about what that next phase of your life looks like if we throw out that word. 

I want to tell you about my program, Adventure:Next. Adventure:Next is a day-long seminar for men who are at a point in their careers when they're thinking, “You know, I think I'm ready for the next phase. I've saved for it. I'm ready to step away from this lifelong career. But when I look down out of what may com e next, it's not clear.” You may even be terrified of what that will mean to step away from something you prepared for and worked for. Adventure:Next gives you a north star. It gives you an enhanced understanding--what I would call even a vision--of the man you want to be in the next phase.

Is Adventure:Next a discussion of what foreign language do you want to learn that you've never had time to learn? Or what hobby you do you want to take up? Not at all. It's about finding that man you want to be as you move forward into the next adventure of your life. Learn more about the program here and register to be part of this powerful opportunity to chart your Adventure…Next.

Mark Rothman