On-Line Reinvention Circle
6-Week Commitment
Make no mistake. As Dylan sang, ‘The times they are a changin.’ And we all need to reinvent ourselves to make those changes.
To Stay Stuck, Or to Leap Forward?
The only thing life guarantees is change. The last few months proved that.
Yet, change terrifies us.
Many of us will cling to jobs, relationships, habits, possessions, and more, no matter our discomfort. What we know feels safer than the potential growth or happiness we truly desire.
Is that truly the person you want to be, staying stuck because it’s safer? Or do you want to be the person who uses change
as a supercharger?
I’m Mark Rothman, Progress Coach. I help you become the success you want to be. In addition to my private practice, I facilitate circles in which you can participate in a small community—even a tribe—to provide wisdom and to hear it from others.
Each session will focus on a different tool you need to reinvent yourself. You can then go out into the new world with a clear road map leading you to the person you want to be. Click here to go directly to the sign-up form.
Each circle is limited to 8 participants.
The true cost to you to participate in the 6 week Reinvention Circle is just 6 hours of your time. The true question is, what will it cost you if you don’t participate?